UBin2n0Z's CRibb 

ICQ# 106696944 AKA"^^KeyZerSoZe^^


What's up peoples!!!   If you are looking for games or movies then you've come to the right place. Below is a list of stuff I am currently looking for. Contact me via ICQ for a list of what I have.




Stuff I have For Sale or Trade:

Movies, Games, and Software (contact me)

24 megs Edo 72 pin simms (2-8megs, 2 -4megs)

1 gig hard drive (2)

425 meg hard drives (2)

Maxtor 270 meg Hard Drive (IDE)

IBM 280 meg HD (IDE)

Conner 115 meg HD (IDE)

5 1/4 floppy drive (cable inc.)


Call of Duty

Silent Hill 3

Half Life 2

Any New Games!!



I am always looking for new stuff (hardware, games, etc) so if u got something pc oriented you wanna get rid of please feel free to e-mail me.(the more the merrier!!) If you are interested in any of the above items just drop me a line and an offer.



News and Tidbits:




        OC System


       Price Watch ® - Street Price Search Engine



The CIAand FBI have allocated resources to investigate the mindset, stability, and tendencies of the individual known as


Our lab and forensic people have all concluded that the subject is a total myth... This individual is still at large .......

If u do come in contact with the subject and determine his true identity...Please call our national hotline.



To all those who are here lookin for personal information... "GET REAL" yall Foolz cant see me!!


like MAMA use to say: